Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome to my Bonsai world!

I've tried a few bonsais in the past but am starting this from scratch again- I hope to have a room full of bonsais 20-30 years down from now. There is something very cool about a bonsai- it's like taking the forest home with you! You can move houses but still carry your little trees with you to the new location- unlike that tree you planted when you were a kid but have to say bye to now.

My dream project? A Joshua tree! Although my current favorite is the redwood- especially the costal one which grows so abundantly in my current location (California).

Here's an amazing picture that I got from GSBF. I am working on one of these too, hopefully I can use that picture for the main page someday soon :-)

Current Bonsai Projects:

Read about how my bonsai projects are coming along in the following links:

Clementine bonsai
Redwood/sequoia projects (coastal, giant)

Japanese Boxwood bonsai
Jade bonsai
Japanese Maple bonsai
Cedrus Deodara (Cedar) bonsai
Junpier bonsai projects
Pine bonsai
Money Tree bonsai

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