Juniper Bonsai Projects

Here are pics of the two Chinese Junipers I'm working on =>

Still have wires running around on the second one and there's time before they looked pretty :-) I have a good feeling about them though, lets see in a couple months..

July 28
#1 looks pretty healthy at this point although that was the one I was worried about. #2 is showing some signs of browning- need to keep an eye on it. I think it should be able to make it though- just needs some TLC

August 12th
#1 looking okay, #2 not so much- maybe I gave it too much water. Latest pic

I added a new one to my collection- Juniper with a windswept style. (#3)

August 17th, 2011

So, I rewired Junpier#2 to look a little different. Will let it grow out in this form and come back to reshape it in a few months =>

Juniper #1 is under obversation, has dried out a lot so hope is all I got :-( Tried giving it stress treatment with superthive lets see..

Juniper#3 looks good, will leave it alone for a few months =>

Aug 25th

Some better pics =>

August 30th
 Goodbye Juniper #1

Well, that's it folks! I have declared the Juniper #1 dead. I am thinking it's roots were not very good to start with but I should not have tried that stunt of repotting it in a shallow tray with clay soil. Live and learn..